Sunday, December 30, 2012

Holy Family

As we admire the Holy Family of Nazareth, we realize how much they had to endure and suffer. And I notice that that same suffering is still going on right now, this month, this year.

They were rejected in Bethlehem – refused hospitality at the Inn to experience a human need, to give birth in simple surroundings. Just this week, the Russian Government decided not to allow Americans to adopt more children, after over 60,000 babies have already been adopted and are being raised in a free society that speaks openly against injustice. Unwelcomed 2000 years ago - unwelcomed today.

They were exiled to Egypt because a terrorist named Herod (who was a leader and supposedly a role-model) was trying to kill their newborn baby, and he eventually killed countless boys as we celebrated the martyrdom of the Holy Innocents on December 28. Barely a month ago, 20 innocent children (and 6 adults) were also massacred in Newtown, Connecticut, leaving their parents devastated, as well as a whole town, state and in a way, an entire country. And countless others daily are murdered through abortion, and victims of child abuse, sexual, physical or mental. A senseless massacre 2000 years ago - another massacre this month.

A domestic scene of the Holy Family
The Holy Family were again rejected when Jesus visited his friends at his hometown of Nazareth, stones thrown at him, blasphemed and cursed at, and almost thrown over a cliff. Thousands of families and individuals were displaced from their homes after Hurricane Sandy in the Northeast USA destroyed homes, lives, potential careers, budding futures and dreams, many of whom have not recovered at all. Granted that this was an act of nature, but people suffered because of consequential mistakes and errors. Displaced and rejected 2000 years ago - and again this year.

May the Holy Family of Nazareth be an example for us of fortitude, forgiveness, compassion and hope for a better future.

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