St Julian's parish church in the late 1970s |
This coming week, until I take some photos of my new churches here in Bend, I will be reviewing the 7 parishes I served in since my Ordination in 1977. The first parish was my own hometown parish of St Julian's, dedicated to St Julian, my patron saint. It was the same parish where my parents grew up, were married and where we were all baptized, raised, served as altar-boys and so it was fitting that my bishop would assign me to my hometown church, which had been recently built, to accommodate the larger number of parishioners. The fishing village where I grew up was growing steadily and the smaller parish church known as the Lapsi (Ascension) church was becoming too small for the many residents that were moving in new areas like the Gardens, Ta' Giorni, Swieqi, etc. So between 1962 and 1968, a new modern church was built and opened between 1968 and 1969 with limited use at first, until all decorations, furniture and liturgical needs were in place. The picture above shows the church as it was during the 4 years I served there, working with the youth, altar-servers, visiting the homebound, celebrating the sacraments, daily Masses and so much more that a a young active parish demanded, serving under my second cousin Fr John Galea, pastor at that time.
St Julian's parish church in 2010, decorated for Easter |
The second photo shows the new color scheme that was introduced when Pope John Paul II visited the church in 1990 during his week-long visit, enthusiastically received. The color scheme was designed by local artist Richard England which appeared very strange at first, but as time went by, it was accepted and eventually kept as normal. The predominant art was done by Marco Cremona, son of the famed Emvin, and included the Risen Christ above the main altar, as well as the Stations of the Cross.
(Tomorrow 1981-1991 - Holy Spirit New Hyde Park)