A little old lady, silver haired, blue eyes, wanders around a gift shop, not buying anything, just looking. The clerk asks, "Do you need anything?" After a short pause, she looks directly into the eyes of the clerk and says: "Just a little more time."
Just a Little More Time ........What a meditation!
Time to live a little more. Time to seek and find the Lord, to praise Him, to love Him. To smell the flowers
-- to sing one more song. To dream on the clouds. Just a little more time to clean my house -
-- to wait for the beckoning hand of the Lord.
-- to hear and welcome His call. To be lifted up.
To be quiet and pray, praise the Lord.
Time to share with my friends, to meet with them again, to laugh with them, even to cry a little. Time to pay back some debts, long owed and long forgotten. Time to be reconciled, to embrace my enemies; to apologize and forgive. To be more gentle with the less guilty. To say one more time: "I love you."
A Time to remember:
To remember the sounds;
-- of trickling water in rivulets, rain on the roof, or gently running down a window pane.
-- To remember the sounds of a great pipe organ, the Scottish pipes, of birds singing early in the morning, the tinkle of the bells at Mass, or the call to prayer. The buds popping in the Springtime; the grandeur of great choirs, the moaning of the wind in the trees, and the great opera arias with trained voices.
To see again;
-- The splashing colors of autumn the aspens, cottonwoods and maples.
-- The first gentle snow of Winter, on the fir trees, dripping icicles.
-- The delicate green leaves of Spring.
-- The burned grass of Summer.
Time to recall the odors of freshly-cut hay. The smell of the sun on a summer field; sawdust, the pungent odor of a full field, apple cider and vintage wines. To hear the laughter of children to feel the warmth of their little smiles. To watch their minds grow, learn and respond. Time to be needed again!
Time to experience again new foods: The first taste of a pomegranate, oysters and clams, a shore dinner, fresh vegetables, mashed potatoes, apple pie a la mode, angel food cake - so soft and white, lemon meringue pie. The first taste of a honeycomb, red cabbage, lamb with mint, and veal. The excitement of exotic foods, escargot and calamari.
Time to admire the mosaic of all the faces, scenes, events, experiences, thoughts and prayers. To flee the terrors of the night. To be awed by the sound of the winds. To hear again "the Word of the Lord"; to be excited by His message. to listen, to learn, to praise. To laugh at the aches and pains of age.
Time, Lord, to become a little child again and to enter His kingdom. To be nourished by "The Bread of Life." To feel the anointing oil, and its power to heal. To be graced by all His Sacraments. Time to rekindle joy in my heart and to dream of your coming, Lord.
To touch a child's face. To feel the bark of a tree. To caress wood. To experience the feel of silk, of velvet and the shock of cold steel. To recall the people who have crossed my path, who touched me and I them - so precious memories. To grieve over the loss of friends and relatives and look forward to reunion in the future life.

To experience again the quiet of being alone. Time to experience daydreaming, being creative. To hear the first time: "I love you." The first love of another; shared love. To experience fear, bodily pain and suffering and the smooth healing, in patience.
To celebrate life. To celebrate friends. To reminisce with old friends the fun days of our youth - the crazy things we did, the stupid and sad things too. To flee the terror of the night. To be comforted by another's love, a compassionate heart, one who can listen. To find a humble heart.
To recall my many travels - in this endless world. To gaze into the sky, and see the stars, the Milky Way and the pale moon waning. To be awed by the glory of the mountains, the glaciers and the barren sands. To be charmed by the beauty of the valleys. To be able to fly into the sky of His creation. To admire the inventions of man, and the control he has gained over creation. To cringe at the power of the waves. To be frightened by a Summer storm to gasp at the thunder and the lightning to run under a sudden downpour. Time to praise Him for creating me. The pain and the privilege of being one of His creatures. To be part of the worship of the Lord, praise and thanksgiving. Time to share the poetry of words.
Time to renew my spirit and my love for Him
-- to rest in the comfort of His arms, to hear Him call my name.
Time to say: Goodbye, with love. I need time to seek again my Lover, Jesus is the Lord.
Time to feel His presence, the breath of His Spirit on me. Time to thank Him for the fullness of life.
Be patient, Lord ...
All I ask is: Just a little more time ... praise and thanksgiving. Time to share the poetry of words. Time to renew my spirit and my love for Him
-- to rest in the comfort of His arms, to hear Him call my name.Time to say: Goodbye, with love. I need time to seek again my LoverJesus is the Lord. Time to feel His presence, the breath of His Spirit on me. Time to thank Him for the fullness of life.Be patient, Lord...All I ask is: Just a little more time...